Katchy Automatic Indoor Insect Trap

Katchy Automatic Indoor Insect Trap

This thing is awesome - even caught a few larger moths - works great on fruit flies

This is wonderful! I had this in my amazon save for later items as we live in the northwoods of Minnesota. Mosquitoes are a problem for me, although after 10 years here I am finally growing a tolerance. Still, a bite will itch for 2 weeks, my husband, not even for 20 minutes. When I first moved here I would get 4" welts at times. It concerned the researchers I was working with even.

Nonetheless, it is actually 44.99 on the mothership. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07B6RZP4H So this is a really good price!

@ThunderThighs you should change the original price! Same sku and all.