Sitz Bath Tub for Hemorrhoids

Sitz Bath Tub for Hemorrhoids

We met a disabled vet who will be admitted for a few procedures on his prostate and surrounding areas.

We don’t know if this is a good idea for him or not. Thoughts? :thinking:

I think it would be great for him. I once suggested to a friend that he use a big brand new storage bin when his hemorrhoid’s needed a bath…I think the idea is that you can clean your goodie bits without having to take a whole body shower or bath…or you can soak your hem whore hoids all by their lonesome.
This speak to text doesn’t work so well…

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This would definitely make a great and memorable first gift to a new friend…you said you met one recently?

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We purchased a bidet and installed it for a disabled veteran.

This same veteran is going in for a procedure on his prostate.

We thought this might be good for him when he gets back home.

We still are not too sure.