2-Pack Sensor-Foam Pillows

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2-Pack Sensor-Foam Pillows
Price: $29.99 - 34.99
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 1-2 business days (Tuesday, Feb 03 to Wednesday, Feb 04) + transit
Condition: New


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4.5 Stars over at Wayfair

Reviews on Amazon for the same or similar product suggest that at “2-pack” is in fact only 1 pillow. Can woot! confirm that there is two pillows?

It is a set of 2 pillows.

So when you select Quantity as 1, it will still include a second pillow at the same price?

I was going to buy, but decided not to… No one is really sure how healthy it is to be breathing in the foam chemicals, and nothing gets closer to your face than the pillow.