2-Pack UmAid All Natural Himalayan Salt Bulb

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2-Pack UmAid All Natural Himalayan Salt Bulb
Price: $14.99
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 3-5 business days. (Thursday, Nov 30 to Tuesday, Dec 05) + transit
Condition: New


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As much Himalayan salt lights woot has recently pushing I can, most safely, assume slugs are not running the process.

Nor are actual scientists involved in writing the ad copy.

I am curious if this is an incandescent or LED bulb… Makes a huge difference, considering. maybe 2000 hours of life versus 20,000. I doubt the salt will disappear as quickly as either.


Himalayan Salt is so 2005. I want some Moroccan Pepper light bulbs. They have 125% more woo per sq cm.

I bought these last time they were offered on WOOT… I can guarantee that these provide the same detoxifying benefits as my REAL Himalayan Sea Salt lamps! Don’t believe the scientist, they’re just trying to sell their drugs.

will there be any bags of crap today?

Is this free range salt?


This is the kind of item that I’d expect to find in a Bundle of Candles.

There’s been a couple offerings already.

A better question, is this organic salt?

I prefer Un-natural salt lights.

All the same benefits of just having salt lying around the house. That is to say, none at all. Come on woot, you going to push colloidal silver next? Maybe Deepak is running woot for the holidays?

I wonder if can I use them to cook with? Maybe not so much a retrofitted Easy Bake Oven, but crumble up and server on my hoity-toity parties or doggie shin-digs?

If they overheat do these become sodium vapor lamps?

Non-GMO? Gluten-free?

Oooooh. I’ve always had this urge to permanently turn myself into a Smurf, like Stan Jones.

Careful what you wish for. YOU just may, and not just one 2 - pack either. :wink: