
For those of you who don’t know what the image is referencing

No, no. I get that. It’s the name of an episode a season or two ago.

But why the crown? Is it Dr. Who?

The image is a reference to this:

Keep Calm and Carry On.

Think it may be also be a reference to the UK elections (Condition: Clegg Cameron) as the two opposing parties - Lib Dem and Tories - have made an uneasy alliance to govern

I love Lost!!! Same question as everyone else, why the crown?

I’m a Lost fan, but I just don’t understand the explosion of the Keep Calm and Carry On stuff. Yes, I know where it comes from, but I don’t get its popularity.
Thanks, but no thanks.

Don’t tell me what I can’t do!

I’m lost. It’s a Lost reference? What’s the big deal about this show? Why is this on a shirt I am so confused

Eh. Don’t like shirts with words.

No worries, neither did I. I too live at 194 Under-a-Rock Drive. It’s a quite pleasant abode, even with the social awkwardness that accompanies.

I’ve come to the realization that only the highly intelligent people have stuck with LOST throughout the entire series. I know that sounds snobby, but seriously…the people I know who stopped watching because they thought it was stupid or just couldn’t keep up, aren’t the brightest of the bunch.

I ordered two…one for myself and one for a fellow LOST lover 2000 miles away. If we can’t watch the finale together, we can at least be wearing the same shirt. LOL :wink:

I wish it was. We need more Doctor Who references. The Doctor makes everything better.

I’m going to guess that the ‘Lost’ fans are ostracizing the non-Lost fans from society. Heaven forbid one doesn’t watch lost!! What were you thinking, silly goose!

In for 1- I love LOST and I’m running low on red Woot Ts

Oh hey, you must be my neighbor!

There are. One on Tuesday night (May 18th) and the series finale on Sunday, May 23rd.

I love LOST and woot, but this design is really really average at best…

This shirt should be $8.15

Is h2g2 good enough?