30 Piece Emergency Roadside Kit

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New 30 Piece Emergency Roadside Kit, for $7.99 + $5 shipping
Product: 1x 30 Piece Emergency Roadside Kit

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This woot fails.

Easily get it on eBay for cheaper.


its a kit

Note: This post contains pricing information for future reference because it is generally not available elsewhere once the next Woot has been offered.

30 Piece Emergency Roadside Kit
$7.99 + $5 shipping
condition: New
product: 1 30 Piece Emergency Roadside Kit

Long live the Woot-Off !!!

Ehheh i have no tech on the roadside, need that over this.

Have it, love it.

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen these at Walmart for $7.

This should have been worst of 08, pure junk


It is crap!!!

Still sulking cuz I missed elvis LOL


Junk. Avoid.


Where’s my bag o crap?

sadly reminds me of that amp’d superbowl commercial

If the next item sucks, I am going to murder Neil Diamond.

It’s your choice, woot.

Not even worth 2 bucks…

Dont buy…

anyone know the software woot checker that lets you specify something in the description for an alert?