335 Woolloomoo Way

I like it, the art anyway. I don’t think I’d wear this as a shirt, but I like the India ink design style.

congrats from me too. I like heather :slight_smile:

Ok, now we’re talking! This is the best shirt at least in the last week. I still think it is a little too dark and saturated with black. I am on the fence, but I think I am in for one.

I like this one a lot … very tempted.

Is the shirt name a some sort of reference to Woolloomoo bay Wharf in Sydney Harbour?

I like this too and wondered the same thing about it being too dark. I wonder how it will look once its printed without it looking like a blob of black on gray. I am undecided as well. I will probably wait until someone posts a picture after they get one so I can see what it looks like.

I’ve been to Woolloomoo (very nice area) but never seen a street named after it.

[QUOTE=endangeredomega, post:24, topic:167532]
I like this one a lot … very tempted.

Is the shirt name a some sort of reference to Woolloomoo bay Wharf in Sydney Harbour?

Weird, I can’t seem to complete a purchase. I click the gold button, and it just flashes back to the same order page.

…And yes, everything is filled in.

What the heck?! I’ve tried to buy two of them, four different times and each time something strange happens and it either just refreshes the order page, goes back to home or goes to my account page. What gives?

Congrats kdeuce, on a race well run.

[QUOTE=meshachw, post:28, topic:167532]
What the heck?! I’ve tried to buy two of them, four different times and each time something strange happens and it either just refreshes the order page, goe back to home or goes to my account page. What gives?

You are not alone. Apparently the shirt isn’t actually for sale…

The Woot-Off is slamming the servers tonight.

[QUOTE=Scalpel, post:30, topic:167532]
You are not alone. Apparently the shirt isn’t actually for sale…

Check that, it’s working now.

The regular woot servers were apparently doing the same thing. No one could buy that crappy phone charger set.

[QUOTE=Scalpel, post:30, topic:167532]
You are not alone. Apparently the shirt isn’t actually for sale…

Happened to me quite a few times too, but, somehow the shirt is in my account and I got a confirm, so hope it actually does arrive, lol.

What do you think it means when you’re trying to remember the shirts that were in the fog to guess which one won, but you totally forgot this one was there?

Many shirts, first comment.

Please shirt.woot stop with the center placement of the design. Almost every shirt now is centered, where the hell is the imagination?

[QUOTE=davidoshea, post:31, topic:167532]
The Woot-Off is slamming the servers tonight.

kinda sad for the artist. It could cost them some shirt sales.

I am rooting the the turtle next :slight_smile:

I saw this in the derby right when it opened, hoped it would win, and then didnt check until now. Pleasantly surprised.

I too like the turtle shirt.

Sorry, I just don’t like this one.

Reminds me of Amulet. One of my kids books or some anime. Congrats.

Love the dark goth appeal of this one… you could slap a metal bands name below it and it would look even more badass. ~ In for 1