How Science Works Now

How Science Works Now

Do you remember how they used to teach the scientific method?

  1. Ask a question.
  2. Form a hypothesis.
  3. Perform experiment.
  4. Collect data.
  5. Draw conclusions.

Well, the University of California Museum of Paleontology has updated that information in a really cool website that you can see here: Science flowchart - Understanding Science

Unfortunately, this updated version only tells part of the story. It tell how science works in a perfect world .

We don’t live in that perfect world. We live in a world of science deniers and anti-vaxxers and politicians with shit for brains.

So, I’ve taken it upon myself (You’re welcome .) to update their update.

Thus, How Science Works Now .

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Thanks, @ccody156!
I hope they do print thousands of these.

And, by the way, my mind is just a little blown that someone flagged your comment as somehow being inappropriate. And what was your sin? Did you post child pornography? Did you use excessive profanity? Did you threaten bodily harm against a sainted politician? Ummm. No. You made a pro science statement about a pro science design for a science-themed derby.

These are strange times we’re living in.

I cannot help but think that if someone REALLY believed in their beliefs, that they would simply ‘pray away’ my comment. Using technology; which is mostly derived from scientific experimentation which is a less abstract derivation of mathematical formulas ;… would seem both gauche and tasteless.
However, flagging my comment DOES add yet another data point for examining the effectiveness of magic and prayer vs technology.
[xkcd: The Data So Far]