Ben’s DEET Insect Repellent Spray

Ben’s DEET Insect Repellent Spray

Looks like this is over a dollar cheaper most other places:'s-30%25-Deet-Insect-Repellent-Spray%2C-3.4-oz&gclid=CjwKCAjw36DpBRAYEiwAmVVDMIELOBDmZb_A5A643Ifo5zULwieCpMeQL-Tre_OHKwcc0JatJvsEcRoCXjEQAvD_BwE

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This is for the 100% Deet. The items you linked is only for the 30% Deet.



Spray this stuff and don’t worry about bugs. I once errrr my friend yeah a friend once sprayed a dead body with this stuff and nothing came near the corpse for weeks. Stuff works super great for bugs but keep your everything crossed that it doesn’t cause cancer.

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I grew up in the NY Adirondacks and every day all summer smeared my whole body with 95% Deet twice. Highly effective. No side effects except for the small talking head that grew out of my spine around C7. Stan says Hi

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Where do you live now? I’m not too far from where you grew up.