Ray-Ban RX Eyeglasses

Ray-Ban RX Eyeglasses

this product is made in China, according with some reviews in amazon, can someone confirm that? because if so in not, what we are trying to buy here.

How are these “not foldable”? Did someone epoxy them in the open state? :-/

That means not foldable at the nose.

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In Amazon the same model is made in china, can someone confirm if it can be Luxotica Rayban Original?

I have the 5248 model from Woot last year. Made in China. Pretty lightweight ,sturdy. I had Same club put in Prescription lense for about 30 bucks. Boom.

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I got my order in today… packaging states that they’re made in China by “Luxottica Tristar.”

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Building on @chickenmumbo’s reply to your question @bernardobaos, these are Luxottica (OEM Ray-Ban glasses) and they are manufactured at Luxottica’s Tristar facility. Tristar is Luxottica’s manufacturing and distribution hub in China and is responsible for approximately 46% of the company’s total production.

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