Philips AJ3400 Clock Radio Black

Philips AJ3400 Clock Radio Black

Calling shenanigans on the MSRP here. Straight from Phillips website it’s only $20.

“List Price” means the suggested retail price of a product as provided by a manufacturer, supplier or seller.

So if other sellers (even third-party sellers) are suggesting to sell it for more, then “list price” still fits uncle wooty’s definition.

Because this item is discontinued, it is rare. Supply is low and demand is high, so the suggested price goes up. That’s like econ 101 or something…probably.

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I agree with @bsmith1 above. To appease the wooters though, we’ll remove the list price.

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Haha, I hadn’t thought about that. A collector’s item.

@ThunderThighs in general if a basic clock radio is “listing” for more than $15-20 bucks, that’s a shenanigans flag.

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Does it have AM radio?

According to the specs, no.

  • Tuner Bands: FM