Gree 3-in-1 Portable AC 400 Sq Ft

Gree 3-in-1 Portable AC 400 Sq Ft

The specifications for the 400 and 250 sq ft models are reversed.

Whoops! Thank you! We’ll get that fixed.

Yes, but I think the photos were wrong too. Searching the web by model number seems to show the photos of the 250 vs 400 are switched. So actually, it think it wasn’t the specs that needed to be changed, but the title (and price) of the deal.

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Got it. We’re asking the vendor to review the entire event. :w_happy:

UPDATE: Sales are updated to the correct pics and images.

Also please direct the vendor to “git gud, kid”

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6.2 CEER ! That is the lowest energy efficiency I have ever seen.