C STAMINA PLUS Alkaline Batteries - 24pk

C STAMINA PLUS Alkaline Batteries - 24pk

Kinda wish you had more kirkland batteries in this size. My spidy sence is not a fan of sony since I don’t have any detail on thier lively hood. I need these for motion lamps I bought a while back from here.

Buying batteries on a clearance site that you never see anywhere but the dollar store, what could go wrong?

The one year warranty is link redirects to the front page: Warranty: [1 Year Sony]
(Sony Professional - Products and Solutions to Redefine Your Business)

Their actual warranty statement says no warranty is provided: "Sony also excludes from warranty coverage Parts located outside of the United States and Puerto Rico, and consumable items such as fuses and batteries."

But maybe this warranty applies instead? RefLib