MiniOwls XL Toy Hammock Organizer

MiniOwls XL Toy Hammock Organizer

I bought the Large size of this product about a month ago from here. It’s pretty sturdy! No sign of breaking under all that weight. I had it nicely organized but you know, kids. At least all the stuffed animals are off the floor!

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Did you run out of paint?

That’s how bachelors live - not that you’d know…

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You have a nice collection of plushies.

I thought maybe it was from the installation.

Houses in Texas don’t like to sit still which means your house is in a constant state of flux. Every homeowner is required to become licensed in drywall repair. Around here it’s completely normal to have white splotches randomly on the walls. I like to think they look like clouds.

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So Texas is just North Mexico and ya’ll spend your free time down by the home depot…


I don’t have time for this! Are you gonna buy a hammock or not?

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FYI, for anyone new here I don’t work for Woot. I’m just help to help other Wooters where I can by displaying their products that I purchased with my own money. I know it looks like I hired a professional photographer and studio but believe it or not all the photos are my own. You are free to use them as long as you don’t credit me.


Got one

Yeah, I’d like to see you hang that on the wall and keep your crap staying on it. The MiniOwls Toy Hammock :tm: is the best crap keeper in my book and you’re not going to change my mind ever!

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Ok ok. I mean, it comes with its own stand, but sure.

Nice penguin.

I’m a married man! Don’t let the username fool you.

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Are you sure? Because the missing paint on the wall tells me otherwise.

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Well the wife has been pretty busy lately with Thanksgiving and all so she hasn’t had time to finish the job. I’ll be sure she know that’s she’s embarrassing me with me internet friends so she’ll hurry it up.

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Give her my condolences.

I will.

I don’t mean to be rude but if you’re not gonna buy a MiniOwls XL Toy Hammock Organizer, which I highly recommend in case anyone missed it, then I have to get back to some important work like freeing up some bag space in Pokemon so I can try to get me one of them cute Bunnelby Pokemon tomorrow or if I’m lucky maybe even a Froakie!

:+1: MiniOwls XL Toy Hammock Organizer :+1:

Get yours while supplies last!

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