Rocketbook Panda Planner with 2 Extra Pens

Rocketbook Panda Planner with 2 Extra Pens

Does the scanning app recognize cursive writing, or do you have to print?

I have this planner. It was a gift at Christmas. I love it to pieces and have sonce purchased everal other Rocketbooks for personal use and as gifts.

You can write in cursive, but the OCR scan capability will look for printing, not cursive. My handwriting is not the best. If I am really writing quickly, it will miss read some of my words.

Overall, if you like the handwritten experience or need it to cutdown on tech addicition, this is truly the best of both worlds. I highly recommend integrating with Evernote or your note app of choice for making the most out of it.

For habitual post-it noters, the ease of this makes it easy to write and wipe, thus saving many trees in the process. The beacons are great for teachers and for brainstorming dry wipe boards (which is also what I do).

Look at their blog for free pages to print out (give their app a whirl… you can do the OCR encoding as well to see how well it reads your writing) and for a bunch of Rocket hacks.

Hope this helps!

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