ReadyWise 60 Serving Freeze-Dried Meat

ReadyWise 60 Serving Freeze-Dried Meat

I guess we don’t need to ask “Where’s the beef?” :smiley:


The description says 12 lbs the actual printing on the bucket says 3 lbs 12.8 ounces😞


The 12 lbs is after it’s been re-hydrated?

Specs have been updated to 3 lbs.


Before I can order these, I would need to see an ingredient list for each kind of meat included, please. If that is disclosed, I am over looking it.

If this helps, I took it from the ReadyWise website - 60 Serving Freeze Dried Meat Bucket | ReadyWise

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7,520 calories total (from Readywise website for 60 pack) / 60 servings = 125 cal/serving? Hard pass. Now you know why it’s not mentioned.

Yeah, on a per calorie basis, this is lousy. You’d be better off buying real MREs.

“Manufacture date: January 2019” … so you’re already 2.5 years down for that 15-year shelf life. Yum yum!

7520 calories, 2200 of which come from the “bonus” white rice.

For those worried about the calories… This is meant to be used for emergencies, correct? Would you really care about your caloric intake when zombies are right outside your door waiting for you to come out and play? In a real emergency, maybe calories will actually be a good thing? Not being an ass, just seriously wondering why one would care about the nutrional facts for these when you won’t be eating this for that long anyway.


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If we’re in a SHTF survival situation, gas and cars will probably be out the window. Walking burns calories. People will need a lot of calories to replace spent calories.

The 12lbs is after you eat it, and wait for the results.

But to be serious, I have a few brands of “meats” such as this. Even the best-selling brands, such as mountain house, freeze-dried meats can take on their OWN flavor. There is just something ‘off’ with brands such as Wise, backpackers pantry, Patriot, etc. I HIGHLY recommend you buy small samples of ANY freeze-dried meat products and test them out to keep your taste buds from filling for a restraining order. Oh, and I’ve yet to have ANY freeze dried veggies or meat where they needed SALT. Be warned.

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Eh- at the end yes, but people can run a while consuming 100-200 cal/hour for quite a long time.

I don’t need to outrun the zombies, I need to outrun you!

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I love all these comments.