LED Headlamp and Lantern Case

LED Headlamp and Lantern Case

*Headlamp not included

Is this true?

You only get a case?

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Yes, it’s a case for Headlamps and Lanterns.


We’ve made it more clear in the sale.

It’s actually not very clear when the heading for the listing states “headlamp AND lantern case” and in the “what’s included in the box” statement! You guys got me, thought it was a deal! Shenanigans! The listing should read “Energizer headlamp -to- lantern case” as it does on the packaging. I’m bummed because I purchased 2 and none of the headlamps I own work with the case so now I have to purchase 2 Energizer headlamps to use them. :confused:


It is a case to put an OEM headlamp in to turn that headlamp into a hangable lantern. Headlamps are bit combersome to have laying around, because of the long soft strap and shape. So this device gives you a storage container and with the lamp trurned on, diffuses the light into more omni-directional. A great idea.

But I use extra tiny flashlights with rechargeable batteries and have found it handy to put them in or near bottled water, that also makes a nice tabletop lantern…

Headlamp and lantern case implies you get a headlamp and lantern with a case. Very cleaver marketing but not exactly honest. I asked to stop the order, they said it’s to late. I will simply refuse delivery.

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To be fair, it says headlamp not included in three five different places.


I does but without my reading glasses on I didn’t even see that! As I mentioned before, the listing header should not be “Energizer LED headlamp and lantern case” it should read “Lantern case for Energizer LED headlamp”



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Sleazy deceptive marketing. Values? Ethnics? Morals? Integrity? Nope. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$


To be fair, it’s still misleading.


I guess to some degree, but again there were five places to clear up any ambiguity.

The correct way to clear up ambiguity here is right in the header -

“Case for LED Headlamp and Lantern”


Okely dokely, but that doesn’t excuse a smidgen of personal accountability to read the things.

Yes, I do Agree, deceptively advertized.
I BOUGHT 3 concidering the Long Dark was eminent.
MY bad according to the W00T overlords.
On a lighter note, Among Us consumers, it is SUS!


Soooo, now will you please offer the head lamp the is complementary to this case? Not all will fit and some have a slide instead of a push button. I need 3 of them. :tired_face: :weary: :heart_eyes: :sleepy:

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… or just return them.

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You’re vehemently defending yet another case of misleading/false ad copy authored by Woot by saying the customer bears the burden of “personal accountability” when nobody at Woot bears any? Really? Really?


Ease up with the mountain out of a mole hill there, city champ.

Like others have said, the title is totally misleading and should be changed.
The case and light can be bought together on Amazon for $19.99 where it has the same title.

Woot has disappointed the hell out of me with their refusal to correct a problem.