9 Obama Tees

The elections are quickly approaching and that means there are tons of presidential propaganda tees floating around. I’ve searched the net and have found 9 Obama tees, most in obvious support of the candidate and one, obviously with an agenda against the candidate. What do you guys think? Have you stumbled upon any Obama tees of interest?

9 Obama Tees!

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I’m suspicious. Are these actual shirts?

iCoty, that Alex Ross shirt is a liberal geek’s DREAM! You ever ordered anything on that particular site before? I was trying to find sizing info for that shirt on their website and came up empty-handed (annoying!)

If I knew it had a woot-like vintage fit to them I would buy that and wear it around constantly between now and election day.

Great post!

Hey IndependentVik, glad you enjoyed the post! Yeah, that Obama/Alex Ross tee is awesome. Unfortunately, to answer your question, no, I haven’t ordered from the company before so I am unsure about the fit.

Here’s another one