Cherry POS Keyboard w/ USB and Smart Reader

Cherry POS Keyboard w/ USB and Smart Reader

It’s a real POS.

(JK, that stands for point of sale. And while it’s not a mechanical keyboard, but a rubber dome, I have used some Cherry rubber domes and they’re quite good for rubber domes. Plus this one has an emv-approved smart card reader)

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Yes the POS feature intrigued me too. I am concerned about the safety of using this feature however. How could it be safe from snooping hackers? Any thoughts?

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My impression is that for emv (chip card) transactions (or perhaps smart card unlocking, hard to tell if this one can handle that or not), the pin entered never leaves the keyboard. That’s what I’d assume anyway. You still need a POS computer and a platform for making EMV transactions, this is just the input device and card reader.

I have another Cherry POS keyboard, and all that’s special about it is the size (narrow), layout (weird because of size), the presence of some extra hotkeys like 00 on the num pad, and a built in trackpad. No magic, just a funny keyboard.