A Fool & his Crap are Soon Parted kd93k

A Fool & his Crap are Soon Parted kd93k
Price: $5
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 3-5 business days. (Friday, Sep 01 to Wednesday, Sep 06) + transit
Condition: Crappy, of course


Buy It](A Fool & his Crap are Soon Parted kd93k) [http://www.wootstalker.com/images/amazon.png

Search Amazon](http://www.amazon.com/s/?field-keywords=A Fool +%26 his Crap are Soon Parted kd93k) [http://www.wootstalker.com/images/google.png

Search Google](A - Google Shopping Fool +%26 his Crap are Soon Parted kd93k)

Did you miss it? Here are some Crappy Tips

1. Stay Logged In - When the current item reaches 5%, log out of woot and log back in to keep your session fresh
2. Keep your cart clean - Clear out any sold out items from your cart
3. Use WootStalker - It significantly increases your chances


Was quick and on the draw and guaranteed to get one but then BOOM… I got the “only one in ten days” error.

I got a BoC from GoT last weekend. So close. 9 days.

sold out quick

Got one!! BoC Number 5!!!

Huzzah! I am indeed a fool!

wewww lad, caught this one.

wow, got one!


That was fast.

Woot hoo!!

Saw it as it popped up, clicked immediately (was already logged in), got the vestibule. Reloaded immediately, got the order page. Then it changed to ‘cancelled’. GRRR >:(

n item already up, adstill waiting in the vestibule, figues


still in waiting room…
Got the sold out page after a few minutes of watching the VOP

Finally scored today! Now I can stop putting off meetings :slight_smile:

happy happy joy joy

Worst day of my life, missed that crap.

Arrrrgggghhhhh! Now I need to continue putting off meetings!