A Lot Of This Going Around

Hmmmm… Judging by the length of the shaft this appears to a bolt or a dart not an arrow but that’s just my opinion…@$&?!! I just got shot in the knee!!!

According to the old song, the knee bone is connected to the leg bone, not the chest.

Sure, this meme needs to take an arrow to the knee, but this design really does flesh our how brutal it is.

In for two, one for me and one for the boyfriend. He is a long-time TES fan and I, well… I just love old meme t-shirts (no, really, I do) and I can’t resist anything that glows in the dark!

Looking at this shirt makes my knee hurt.

Props for the nastiest looking exit wound ever.

Yeah this just kinda disturbs me I gotta say.

This is the first shirt I’ve bought since the increase. I’m officialy off strike now. I’m a sucker for glow in the dark stuff. Brings out the kid in me. d(-_-)b

This meme really just needs to die out already. It was amusing-ish in November. Three months later it’s just lame.

Is this a Greg Oden reference? I totally get it!

I agree!

I’ve got a few Anvil shirts. They hold up really well after lots of washings.

Am I really going to hold shirt.woot to a ‘gotta be made in America’ standard to which I hold almost nothing else? (because it’s downright impossible?).

Well, at least my Toyota was made in Indiana.

Time to pack up the meme folks, it’s done and over with the creation of this shirt.

I thought this meme was already dead…?

lets hope the new blanks fit fat guy better. i hate buying 3x to shrink to a comfy 1x. AA was soft and light, but shrank like jumping in a creek in winter

Oh lord. Take a meme that’s been bashed to sweet hell and back and make it a shirt a month after everyone decided they now hate these jokes?

Looks like we’ll be seeing another batch of blank woot shirts soon…

something like this, but with the sound of my bank account cheering in the background.

Instant buy! When i have money. ;3

Maybe this is so obvious I shouldn’t say anything, but does anyone else see a bit of irony in this shirt appearing the day they switch to Anvil shirts?

“We used to sell American-made AA shirts, but then…”

I don’t know why everyone is so distraught. Clearly this is a Ace Ventura reference.