A+ SAFETY Portable Fire Extinguisher 4 PACK

A+ SAFETY Portable Fire Extinguisher 4 PACK


B careful

Are these ABC fire extinguishers?

These will not save your life.


The extinguisher safety acronym is PASS: Pull, Aim, Squeeze (the dispenser handle down slowly), & Sweep side to side in a controlled manner. Know when the fire is too big or strong for you to fight and get out and away whilst you can. Then, when at a safe distance, call 911. Be Safe, Sane, and , Smart.


Do these have an expiration date? And if so, how close are they to expiration?

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I should have read the description before posting… They are good for about 3 years.

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It’s that a threat? :smirk:

Better than nothing?

Wish these were a bit more obvious fire engine red.
Never mind that.
Reading the rest of the comments, these sound irresponsibly dangerous.

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Lol. No I wouldn’t trust these in any situation to be better than nothing.

Perhaps I should explain. These do not carry the proper certifications to even be sold in the United States as a fire extinguisher.

They are not tested and approved, and do not even make mention of being A, B, C, D, or K class extinguishers.

From their description:

All Types of Fires - Our water based fire extinguisher car and kitchen are effective on solid materials: trash, wood, paper, textiles, and fabric; combustible liquids, such as petroleum, diesel; electrically charged material, and cooking oil and grease fires.

That’s beyond dangerous already to sell these as extinguishers, but to make the claim that you can use pressurized water (almost three cups at best) to extinguish a grease fire is downright deadly.


I’m kinda surprised these are being sold legally, as the description says they use “water” and that they can be used on everything from Textile, Oil & Grease, and even electrical fires……

The first one maybe fine, but using a water based extinguisher on an electrical fire is highly likely to be more dangerous and lead to electrical shock for anyone around the fire.

And using that same extinguisher on an oil/grease fire if actually possibly worse…. As it will spread the flaming fuel source.

These “may” be good for a basic household fire, that’s burning wood or something similar. But, doing anything else with them is both dangerous and advertising that your product will work on those fires should be (likely is) illegal….


I’d be hesitant to use these on anything but paper or wood fires for the reasons many have listed above.
It also seems to have only 1.25 cups of the mysterious water-based substance, so you’d better not waste any of it.


@davejlives I need a set of these, your least-favorite intern, @notmatty and about an hour in the lunch room.


Why You Shouldnt Throw Water On A Grease Fire GIF by ViralHog

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Season 2 Fire GIF by The Office


These are merely pressurized water.
1-If you try to use them on a grease fire, you’re going to spread the fire around the room you’re trying to save.
2-If you try to use it on an electrical fire, you’re probably going to see the inside of a trauma ward, coffin, or both.

The fact that Woot is selling these is outright effin’ malfeasance.

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There’s more than just water in 'em. At least my tap water doesn’t look like that. (See video)

(Please Note: I’m not employed by Woot, but I volunteer to help in the forums.)


Very handy to have in case a bag of crap catches on fire!!

I’ll note that last time I bought fire extinguishers on Woot! one of two burst in shipment


Youll Regret It Seth Rogen GIF