A Woot Official Handmade Valentine

A Woot Official Handmade Valentine
Price: $1
Shipping Options:: $0 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships by February 8 (Thursday, Jan 28 to Friday, Jan 29) + transit
Condition: Lovely


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Previous Similar Sales (May not be exact model)
1/27/2016 - $1.00 (Woot-off)

Love is being sent my way, Woot, Woot!


Not sure what it is but I see a new badge in my future

I wanted it!!! :frowning: :(:frowning: but my boss interrupted me

Wow, sold out fast! I wanted one!

Just my luck…I can’t even buy a Valentine.

awwww :frowning: :frowning:

aww. PM me, I’ll send you one.

Some people were on there game. I didn’t even think to change the qty to 3.

Stupid work! The drive in made me miss this again!!! I really want a valentine!

Fooled by woot… Yay
Last sale right at one of bi-daily post times.
Set alarm to wake me at the morning post time… With 3hrs sleep Logged in and sat ready.
Watch sold out… Looked right for new valentine’s.
Went to community and noticed rose petals yet thought that can’t be right I’m here for the exact time change.

Up pops watering set… Yah, thanks woot

I scored zero Crapola so far and you still leave me with feelings of crapz permeating my every pore.

OK time to try to sleep again
mumbles - nay curses - under breath

Missed it cooking breakfast for DH. Silly me. Fingers crossed that it will be offered again. I never seem to get any Valentine’s gifts from the family, so I need to buy my own. What better than a Valentine hand made by Wootstaff?!

I hope they have more of these! Nothing says I Love You like a woot off!

love is in the mail headed my way!

Ehhhhhhhhhh, not really. We had to print off the labels so we could ship them up to Seattle. They’re being made in Seattle.

“When you purchase this item, you are buying a Woot Official Handmade Valentine which has been lovingly made by a member of the Woot staff. Each valentine will be uniquely crafted and no two will be exactly the same. The valentine might be funny, cute, romantic, or just plain stupid and weird. It’s just our way of saying Happy Valentine’s Day to our wonderful users. We love you guys!”

Why then are they being “made in Seattle?” I had pictured you all sitting around a big table with construction paper, doilies and round ended scissors. :slight_smile:

That’s about what it looked like.

But I thought Woot was in Texas. What’s in Seattle?