Acer Aspire Extreme Notebook w/ Intel Core Duo T2600, 20.1” LCD, 2GB RAM, 240GB HD and HD DVD Drive

Acer Aspire Extreme Notebook w/ Intel Core Duo T2600, 20.1” LCD, 2GB RAM, 240GB HD and HD DVD Drive

  • $5 shipping
    1 Acer Aspire 9800 Intel Core Duo T2600 Notebook - AS9805WKHI

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shopzilla, froogle, bizrate, etc.… all the comparison links compiled and approved… holler back.


Nice specs. It looks Vista compatible.

that is a HUGE laptop.

I’m happy with my 17"er. Nice woot though!

Good movie.

20.1 inch… but so much money. I’ll stick with my chalk board

is this a good deal?


Damn son…


I need a laptop, mine just died, but too much $$$ for a refurb, even for a really high spec referb…

and omg this thing is huge. I don’t know what to think about it.

What no VISTA?

17.2 pounds? That thing’s not a notebook, it’s an encyclopedia.

Nice notebook, nice screen size, nice $$$. I just dont have that much $$$ will stick with my Toshiba 15.4"

Nice laptop, good deal, but I’d need to have my tax refund first. Ouch!!!


wow great price for a refurb…not

1700 dollars for a refurbished laptop. no thanks.

holy hell that’s a lot of money for a refurb.