Aeroprene Checkpoint Friendly Laptop Wrap

Previous Woot

Just an FYI…just because it’s “checkpoint friendly” doesn’t mean the TSA agent isn’t going to tell you to take your laptop out of the case. I have a TSA approved case & at Kennedy airport all laptops have to come out of their cases.

I don’t like hip-hop/rap/whatever, but this writeup is funny!

I don’t have the attention span for these longish song write-ups!

They could be comedic, but I’m too busy trying to find the rhyme. Ow! My head!

Whenever I’ve flown my laptop stays in my sight the whole time, you just have to take it out of the bag at security for them. I highly recommend NOT checking your laptop, who knows what could happen to it.

Product description is a parody of what song???

That is not what it is for. It is not for checking your laptop through with baggage. This prevents you from having to remove your laptop out of your bag to run it separately through security. These are approved by airport security to allow you to leave your laptop inside the bag.

Supposedly the Box Of Cacodemomania already was up at like 3 am or something. But I don’t see it.

It’s like a laptop condom. Does it provide any cushioning?

Ahh so many to get through…

Interesting, just doesn’t seem that protective.

Not yet…

Product Website

Did you go to school?

Surprised they didn’t post some l@me a$$ text below the picture saying something like: “you get the wrap, but you can’t have our dell laptop”.

Is it compatible with that cheap ass guitar they just sold?

Yay! Got one!

I’m on my laptop in a tavern. They just asked me to leave because happy hour was starting…

I mean for real…you can click on the community tab and see ALL the items that woot has offered…if for bag of crap is on there, then the answer would be NO!!

I went to beer.