Altec Lansing Expressionist Classic Speakers for PC and MP3

The means by which pages are updated may cause your browser to continue to display the previous item even after the new item has been listed. I’m on a fast connection and I can refresh constantly until I see a new item, but should I keep refreshing there’s a good chance that I’ll see the old item again, and on and off for several more refreshes. It’s kinda wonky.

Got me the Roomba…Woot!

Shipping is $5.oo. You can buy up to 3 items, and it will only show up as one charge.

No. They like to tease us. You can watch the bar and make a educated guess as to how fast they are selling and come up with a number of how many they have.

Is this your first woot! off?

These seem like they’ll take a while, time for bed I guess. /:

These things are amazing! All you have to do is plug them in and sometimes sounds and music just comes out of them! What’ll they think of next?

thanks, guess they have a ton of these things left over from the other day.

Well, if your on a mac, Command+R frequently. On Windows, CTRL+R. If your on linux… google it.

They mean that the actual images are new. They’re cartoons now, rather than animated photos.

Trolling are we?

Whoops, L I B, dem R NU woot! off lites!

It’s kinda sh@t if you ask me… I work for IBM and this sh@t is never tolerated. I have many woots, but this is making me mad…

reads the reviews and says: “weak, ugly, AND fragile?” I’m in for 3!"

lmfao I love the swear censor you just got. XD I forgot they do that here.

I’m sorry you missed out, though.

No, each separate woot offered has a $5 shipping charge for between 1 to 3 of the same item.

The standard $5 shipping is just really part of the price of the items, some they lose money to ship, others they gain on but if they allowed you to combine, then it would take a significant bite out of their revenue.

and the not-so-new woot lights suck butt. old ones were much better.

I believe what he is asking is, if he buys three different items throughout the woot-off, will those three items combine shipping or will he be charged each time, with them being different items.

It will combine shipping

How are these woots going backwards? Every time I refresh, the yellow bar moves to the left, not the right!