Always Accurate

Shouldn’t this be a 9 day forecast?

How about -270 with a chance of black holes!

“Sorry bra”. Someone had a heck of a four day weekend and a Freudian slip. I would imagine that in space you get the same breast lift you get in a pool.

Yes! Thank you editors, Bought.

Awesome! Big congrats Boots!

So yeah, in deep space, an object could be that cold.

Kinda looks like a rip-off of the Alderaan t-shirt to me.

that’s what I was wondering; was it really that hard to report the actual value for absolute zero, or is this a miraculously homogenous portion of space we are talking about?

I’m holding out for the Fahrenheit version; I hate C.

I’d be all over this if it was -273 C. I’d even be able to forgive the 0.15!

I agree - you would constantly be radiating energy away getting colder and colder. We had to do thermal heat equations like this in heat transfer class for satellites. I was actually quite interesting.

Forget “bra” vs. “brah”! Someone’s family died at the end of the write up!

But deep space isn’t absolute zero…it sits at a out 3 K, the temperature of the cosmic background radiation. Anything that gets colder than that will be warmed up by the microwave radiation that permeates the universe.

Space does have a temperature, even without significant matter. It’s the equilibrium temperature things (like a thermometer) will reach if left to radiate their heat away long enough. And that, as above, is equal to the temperature of the cosmic microwave background, about 3 K, or -270 °C.

Oh, are you an e=m((F-32)*5/9)^2 kind of person?

The Dinosaur would disagree with this T-Shirt. Shower do happen in space.

THANK YOU! I was looking for this reply! Space does have a temeprature, 2.7 Kelvin (the shirt is rounding to ~ 3 Kelvin). The Microwave background radiation ensures that space always has a temperature. As cosmic expansion redshifts this background radiation, the universe cools, though I’d say this shirt gives an accurate forcast for the next few hundred million years.

So if you’re worried about being criticisized for the accuracy of this shirt, you can smuggly outnerd your critic and tell them that no, deep space does in fact have a temperature, and no, it is not absolute zero, it is the temperature of the cosmic microwave background radiation.

You are released to purchase this shirt.

Hmm, my first thought is that you have an odd interpretation of rip-off. But given that this design has little correlation to that Alderaan design, perhaps you are trying to get people to purchase from the other site?..

Objectively, this design does not rely upon a Star Trek relationship, so it might appeal to a wider population. And who knows what the sales might’ve done with a police box in the corner…

Anything but black and I would have one.

Oh yeah! I was hoping this would get an EC. I’ll be getting one for sure. Congrats, Boots!