Amazon Fire TV 4-Series 4K UHD Smart TV (Certified Refurbished, Like New)

Amazon Fire TV 4-Series 4K UHD Smart TV (Certified Refurbished, Like New)

Are these going to be shipping at some point soon? Any idea?


Ugh, Amazon seems to take forever to ship their TVs. Let me ask around.


Is there ever a chance that sold out sizes (like the 42") will come back in stock during the sale?

If we can get inventory, there’s a chance.

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They aren’t doing any better on the shipping speed sadly.

My order for one was supposed to deliver by today and it has yet to ship.


I’m having trouble finding your order. Please reach out to Customer Service and they can look into it for you.

Update: I found it. Amazon shows that they plan to fulfill it. I did find something odd about the warehouse these fulfill out of. They’re limited to x trucks a day. Once they fill those up, they can’t do any more.

Do reach out to CS though.


Thanks TT, I did message CS earlier today. Appreciate you looking into it and glad it is actually in the fulfillment que. Hopefully it gets on one of those trucks soon. Leave it to Amazon to build a warehouse in Brigadoon. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Received the reply from CS.

They blame the delay on an “unfortunate error in the logistics”.

Aka the poor choice of warehouse apparently.

They also tried to offer cancellation of the order. Gave them a firm no and requested an updated delivery date.

Let’s see if they can do so.

Kicker is the the same day I ordered this 43 inch last week I found a comparable Hisense on clearance at Costco for the same price I ended up paying for this Refurb.

Should have grabbed it then as insurance in case this order didn’t work out.

C’est La Vie ,lol.

My purchase was supposed to ship/deliver by the 19th. IF there is still a chance, I’ll hang on and wait. But it isn’t looking good. I haven’t gone looking for alternatives (yet) but I’m heading in that direction mentally… “Hope”!

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STILL says “Shipping now”…
don’t let them cancel me!

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Wasn’t the 19th a holiday?

I’ve seen all kinds of messed up shipping this week.

Yes. But I ordered this ten days ago, and skepticism is lurking, trying to invite itself in… But thanks for the implied “there are maybe good REASONS” for slow-motion satisfaction. I’ll suck it up for awhile longer…


My cat treats were delayed twice. I’m afraid to go home.


Third reply from customer service summarized:

We don’t have any inventory to replace your order.

We can’t provide a shipping date.

We would like to ship it, but we don’t know how so you should really take a refund.

We’re sorry we can’t do the one thing we are supposed to be good at.



Let’s blame it on @davejlives. It’s too hot to do anything else.

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At least there’s someone to blame other than myself. I get real tired of doing that. :joy::joy:

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Fourth reply from customer service summarized:

Just cancel the order so we aren’t liable for our own failures.

Thank you, come again.


Oh Amazon. Why must you do this to us?


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Classic Abusive Relationship :joy::joy:

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