Amazon Smart Plug

Amazon Smart Plug

What coffee maker starts as soon as you plug it in?

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Hotel ones?
Or maybe it’s about turning them off after using them…

The TP-Link Alexa-compatible plugs are a better value vs this $11.99 Amazon Smart Plug. The TP-Links can regularly be found for $7.50 each in various quantities at the mothership.

Not that it matters if you don’t care about other environments like the Google world or open systems, but this Amazon Smart plug is locked into the Alexa world.

We have both brands of smart plugs and the TP-Links are bullet proof reliable, always recovering from power outages. And the $7.50 TP-Links are also more compact - although they take up a similar portion of the receptacle. (They’re not as wide.)

The only downside of TP-Link - but a problem not if you have other TP-Link stuff like us - is it requires another app on your phone, the TP-Link app. We’ve found the TP-Link app to be friendly and reliable.

The TP Link a crap they go off-line constantly.

Perhaps your Wifi network is wonky. Or you have a vested interest.

Our TP-link gear is all bulletproof reliable. There’s a reason TP-Link is the most popular Alexa gear company outside of Echo gear. It just works.