Amazon Store Card No Longer Accepted

Surprise! After all these years Woot no longer accepts Store Card. Logged in to complete my purchase and Amazon Pay says I have no payment method on file, to please add one. Weird. Have been using my Amazon Store Card forever on Woot. No more! It sure was convenient, now, not so much.

Weird. It shouldn’t have worked at all.

This is ridiculous! I followed someone’s comment about changing Java network settings, but that didn’t help. Looks like Woot owes me $6 for shipping.
I don’t want to pay for delivery on items on sale today. Every time I log in with my Amazon account, it automatically reverts to my Woot account, and checkout shows a shipping charge. Why would I pay shipping when I have Amazon Prime?

Does someone have a resolution?


eh…I’ve had that happen on occasion. Usually logging out of the forums and the main Woot site, clearing my cookies and then carefully using the “log in with Amazon” for the main Woot site works.

I don’t know Jave from bupkis tho. Good Luck!