American Girl Maryellen's Jukebox

American Girl Maryellen's Jukebox

Only $90 from American Girl with free shipping

Our price is $79.99 and if you’re a prime member, for a limited time you get Free 2-day shipping!

Deceptive advertising woot. Shame on you! Original price has always been $90 from American Girl not the $169.99 you quote.

Yep. American Girl sells it for $90 (not on sale). I assume they are also considered the source for the product.

List price is the suggested price of the manufacturer, supplier, OR SELLER.
Woot, as the seller, suggests the retail price should be $169.99.

I checked the American Girl website and it seems this item is back-ordered at ALL locations. Supply and demand, broseph. If the item is scarce and in demand, it is worth more. This could explain why it is suggested that the retail value should be higher than the “normal” price if the manufacturer actually had any in stock. Can find it in stock elsewhere for cheaper than $170?

Hi all. We adjusted the list price.

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This Amazon listing has it for $219.99. Yikes!