
Hmm…I love jimiyo’s work, but I’m not sure if this is something I’d wear.

I’ll think about it and might pick it up if it’s still available in the morning.

Exactly. I love the eagle and ship imagery, but with the orange highlights it’s just a little too Harley Davidson for me.

its a great design but why is there a pirate ship in it? You have two american symbols and then a pirate ship. Other things could of fitted in that spot.

Wow, nice filter. Never seen that one before.

cool design but a little too much for me. dont think i can pull it off

Not sure if I like the eye on the eagle for some reason but in for 1 w/ overnight so I get it by the 4th but idiot me is excited to spend the extra money.

THERE HE GOES AGAIN wowing us with his swirly awsome linework . GREAT shirt JIMIYO. and thanks for the video on smoothing lines. you are the best.

Yeah I’m back to back with Jimiyo!! Wooo!

We’ll put a boot up your ass, its the American way!

U…S…A! U…S…A!!!

In for 1.

nice I really like this design

Christopher Columbus. File:Flag of Christopher Columbus.svg - Wikipedia

As soon as I saw this, I thought it was jimiyo’s. Grats on the 2nd print man. Very nice indeed.

Thanks for all the pleasant comments ya’ll!!

It’s the Santa Maria. Although Columbus is a far fetch from the signing of the DoI, it is associated with the exploration that eventually lead to the discovery of what is the United States.


iron cross? pirate ship?

I was thinking more… Santa Maria… he has a good concept of history.

Awesome design. Great work.

Hoo sez we aint rednex? in for won

Not to mention we still use Iron Crosses to this day in the military. Pretty much every military uses an iron cross of some sort.

Why do you hate America?

It does occur often eh? :slight_smile: Even with Amrani. LOL.

Reminds me of something US Navy.

In for one.

That cross, or at least one very similiar in red, is usually depicted as being on the sails of Christopher Columbus’s ships. So not a Pirate reference.