Apple 11.6" Dual-Core i5 MacBook Air

Wootalyzer’s Pricing Post! - The price of today’s woot item is saved here for future reference

Apple 11.6" Dual-Core i5 MacBook Air
$779.99 + $5 Standard Shipping
Condition: New

DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!

now to just figure out what to do once I have all the pieces.


Do we save the picture?

Hey Thunderthighs I got one for the wish list. You guys sell Pentax cameras every so often… How about some Pentax lenses? :slight_smile:

Also so far I have 2 map pieces… should I have may more? I’ve been looking through the old posts but I am growing weary.

I see the map but I don’t know how to actually “Collect” it…

holy smokes, read the rules haha jesus…

I have 3 pieces now. Am I far behind?


I have 3 also.

Just got one of these the other day… it flies!! I’ve never been a TREASURE person, and still prefer PCs, but this system is really impressive!! Plus you qualify for the New Mountain Lion OSX for Free!!

can you hunt for treasure for me? and then just give me the treasure when it is found.

fart noise !

Mr. Pennington is a bag of crap.

A niceish price but not a great price… Amazon has it (via J&R) for 799. They call it the “Old Version”. 4.5 stars.

Hardware specs on it sucks!

I keep reading but dont know what to do yet. it says to save the pic and some say u have to click

Added Pentax lenses (or other).

I’ll let the community answer the maps question. :tongue:

I have seven, ARG.

Just kidding.

For $20 more, you can buy it on Amazon.