Apple Watch Braided Solo Loop - Black, White Hues

Apple Watch Braided Solo Loop - Black, White Hues


Are these genuine Apple^TM ones?
I don’t think its indicated price is a guarantee of Apple product.
If it is genuine, I suppose it should have amazon reviews.

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Yes, they are genuine Apple products.


are these returnable for free due to sizing? i used the size guide but i’m planning to order a couple sizes because many people say the size guide isn’t accurate depending on the size of your watch.

Howdy. Click here to see our return policy.

Apple does offer a sizing guide you can print out, may be helpful.

Apple: Band Size

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What’s the bit about “white hues”?

Light brown
Off white

Take your pick.

Fyi i used the sizing tool and it said I was a size 8, just received mine and it’s at least two, maybe three sizes too big, SMH

I had the same problem as the previous Wooter. I used the Apple sizing tool and ordered a size 10. It was a size or 2 too large. Even though they are “stretchy” they don’t work if they are too big, they just flop around on your wrist! These are definitely genuine Apple and definitely good quality, so if you are certain about your wrist size, these are a great value.

What color did you order ? I am looking for size 8 and I have size 12 I don’t need. Maybe we can swap?

Same here, go 2 sizes smaller than it recommends. I’m curious if I was mine and put it in a pair of shorts in the dryer, will it shrink? :thinking:

You need to pull the tool as absolutely tight as it will go, to the point where you think you’re gonna rip the printout. It is an accurate tool but hard to use properly.