Aqua Globes Medium 2-Pack

These are very nice. Would recommend.

Man the Bright Orange Cockroaches are in hiding today.

snapple packers dlksaljkdaskld

these are supposed to be put in the cosmos box

What makes them think we want these?!?!?!

Come on, this is what we get after waiting 2.5 hours for the server fixes? Crappy drums and water globes? 40-42" LCD for $300!! In right now!

can i smoke my weed with this?

Are these Kosher?


Im just dieing to buy something from this wootoff… tried for 3 sets of the crazy server crash toolset… I cant believe there has been a 2 day wootoff and nothing good.

They work pretty nicely… but only if you remember to fill the globe. Which I remember about as often as I remember to water the plants the old way. So nope, didn’t help me a bit!

My wife loves these.

I’ve heard from multiple people that these do not work very well.

My house plants journeyed to the brink of death while under the watchful eye of the Aqua Globe. They just don’t work as seen on TV.

this is my queue to leave work and start my hour ride home… aqua globes should still be here.

Lame as hell. got these in BOC along with breast pump and baby bottles, etc.

You’ve got to be kidding. Does anyone really buy these things?

I guess the previous woot was about 6 hrs ago??

You know what makes these work great? When they clog up with dirt from, you know, jamming them in the dirt.

I don’t usually trust those multiple people. Except maybe Sally Field.