ATI FirePro V5700 3D Graphics Card

is it just me, or is this a great deal :slight_smile:

Many parts of the country don’t even have opposable thumbs yet.

A guy brought us a stack of hardware (over at the comp store) and wanted us to put it together.

it was some alienware case+motherboard (I guess they have barebones kits?), a core i7, 16 gigs ram, an annoyingly large coolermaster heatsink with 2 or 3 fans on it… and a $200+ fire pro card, they’re latest and greatest i suppose.

Everyone at the store shared a hearty laugh at the poor guy’s expense as on of the techs put the computer together. I feel like the guy probably just had more money than sense and just bought whatever was most expensive cause $$ = good.

Anyway, if you are making art on your comp, this is a worthwhile card. Otherwise, we are just going to laugh at you.

bill hicks