Avocado Love

Those who claim to celebrate love ought not try to suppress forms of love that differ from their own.

Would make more sense if it was a pear.

Oh, come on guys (and gals and others), there have to be some good jokes here… “You’re my better 'av”? “Join me for a dip”? “Guac this way”?..
OK, maybe there aren’t good jokes, but still… let’s at least try!

I wish this came as a tank! It’s so cute and perfect for summer.

Was interested in buying the shirt until I noticed the unnecessary genderfication of the shirt. They are avocados, it would have been a much better design without the bow etc.

Oh my… I didn’t even thought about any sexual context in my design. There was the reason why I have pictured “male avocado” with seed. I thought if I drew “female avocado” with seed it would looks like she was pregnant and it was not the idea of the design. So I decided to make it in this way. That’s all )

Have a good day!

Holy smokes… you put a bow on an avocado, you insensitive bastard!

Hilarious! The best Woot! Shirt in a long time.

FYI: not everything in life is a social commentary.


This is true, but as a user above stated- inclusion does not immediately mean that everyone elses’ enjoyment is trampled on.

I really do get the contention with this design. We accepted it as is though because it made sense with the avocado. Maybe it could have been more inclusive sans the obvious genderification of the “girl” half?

Representation is something we need to think through more often, for sure.

My only beef with this shirt is that it would have been better without the text.

My main issue with the shirt was the unnecessary “genderification.” I don’t really see the pornographic/obscene allusion, but I don’t understand at all the need to have tried to make one half seem female. Making them both gender neutral would’ve been fine.

(Would’ve been way cuter if the seed was also personified, and all three were holding hands, IMO, but that’s neither here nor there.)

You can still choose to believe they’re whatever gender(s) you prefer. Anyone can wear a bow. And long eyelashes don’t mean anything. I’m biologically male and I have long eyelashes that have made women jealous.

Great idea!

As obvious as… male and female, duh.
Anyone who doesn’t get it should reach around behind their computer, monitor, etc and unplug one of the cables, any cable. The part that sticks out is called the male, the part is mates with (a technical term) is called the female. If that’s a problem then take it up with the IEEE and every manufacturer of electrical, plumbing and automotive parts in the world. It’s not misogyny, homophobia or any other sort of victimization. It’s common sense, which is the only thing that is truly being victimized in this conversation.

lol at everyone looking way too far into this shirt design. Hint: A 1-day shirt isn’t going to set back a single gender or relationship in the world. This t-shirt isn’t out to get you. It just represents the most common two-people pairing in the history of the world. Calm down.

It’s a fair complaint to want representation, particularly since just taking the bow off could have helped in a small way.

We stick by this design, we really dig it- but we also understand being critical of it. No need to keep telling people not to be offended by it since it’s both fine to have issues with a design and fine to not have any issues with the design.

I get the grumbling- it’s like the way gender neutral objects are only considered female with bows, mascara and rouge. “Girls, you wanna look like girls? Put on the make-up, shave your legs, and find a bow! Boys, you just be natural”

Messages like that are everywhere. The way the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cartoon’s lead male characters all have big, specific personalities. Donald is a jerk, Goofy is weird, Mickey is the leader. Minnie and Daisy are- well, they’re interchangeable. There are lots of examples of this boys do/ girls watch kind of thing (and several counterexamples as we’ve progressed over the decades), but there’s still a message out there to girls that they shouldn’t be bossy and that they need to wear make-up, etc.

Still, it’s one of those murky areas with lots of caveats. People get mad, but it’s NOT a male conspiracy or that there’s a bunch of men in a board room doing this stuff on purpose- instead, it’s residual and unintentional. But it’s still unfortunate. Especially for girls that aren’t aware of the vague social pressures out there or have low self-esteem.

Plus, guys have pressure, too, to be alpha males and that sort of thing. That stinks, too.

And realistically, there is often a need to distinguish genders in art. If not for bows and pink and stuff, how else can you distinguish male/female for something like Pac-Man or two avocados without having to draw boobs and ding-dongs. Actually, that would be pretty funny.

I don’t know- it’s tough. If I needed to show male/female avocados, I probably would have done the same thing this artist did. Though when I picture the avocados or Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-man beign featureless except for genitalia, I do kind of giggle.

Dilemmas like this is why I generally stick to robots.

Somehow…somewhere…someone is responsible for linking shirt.woot.com to a Tumblr account. The invasion has begun.

It’s an avocado… And, I guess it’s an avocado where one half identifies as female (or maybe it just likes wearing bows and false eyelashes). Personally, I think it would be cuter without the eyelashes and bow, but who am I to judge. I think any avocado should wear whatever it feels like wearing, love whoever it feels like loving, and do whatever it feels like doing (within reason for an avocado). If it wants to wear that tacky stereotypical bow, that’s its business, not mine. :slight_smile:

And, while I think it’s a fair point people are making when they say that the design might be a little more inclusive without feminizing one half, I really don’t think making one half feminine excludes anyone. I’d happily wear a shirt depicting the love of two male avocados, two females, one of each, or even an avocado and a pear. It really doesn’t matter to me. Love is love. Even when it’s just an avocado. <3