Backlog Obstinate Cacophony 8762846

I was told on the home screen for years smashing f5 is the path to victory

Doing my happy dance - which is pretty cr@ppy on its own.


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It take another 30 seconds or so for my desktop to refresh and show the BOC. My phone saw it first. But, I had to log back in again.

Need to have a test product to buy to make sure all the question need to be answered before rushing to buy something.

Rub it in, why don’t ya!

Yep, app is faster. We’re working on upgrading our feeds and the App/mobile are on the new feed. Desktop is on the old cranky feed.

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Woot-offs are so much less stressful when you bag the bag in the AM!!!

…now, my only worry is whether or not they will bring back Leak Frog.

The manufacturer destroyed the molds a couple years ago.

Isn’t that ironic??? The destroyed the mold of an item that helps detect signs of actual mold!

Rest In Puddles

You guys should host on AWS :eyes:

LOL. what makes you think we don’t?

RED = people trying to get a BOC (basically, the VOP)
BLUE = orders going through


You said it yourself, old cranky feed. My hardwired fiber connection should absolutely see the product before my wireless phone when it comes down to apples to apple infrastructure comparison. I understand its apples to oranges though, I just notice a huge gap in time when I can see things on the app as opposed to on the website.So I just loiter in the forums on PC because it posts there first anyways, just don’t tell anyone else :wink:

oh Jesus can I get some power BI exports on that data?

The feed has nothing to do with AWS. We’re changing the way our feed service works, not moving it.

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Haha not anymore. App is first.

Well, if it’s any consolation I’m getting the push alert nearly a minute after the item is up on the app. Before, the notification gave me about a 5-10 second heads up.

I am in a dead zone for cell service, the only hope is the web, and it’s not worked well for the last 2 woot offs.

I can confirm that I am getting the push notification well after items are up as well. When previously I used to get them on time or 5 seconds after it would post. So we are experiencing the same thing.

If your ‘web’ is wireless connect to it from your phone? If its only hardwired you should get an OTP cable or Ethernet to (insert phone charger connection here) adapter.