Bake Heater DG47-00020B

Unfortunately you are forgetting to include the set of individuals who do not need one today but think they might need one at some point and the set of individuals who are irresistibly drawn to the bright flashing light of a woot-off.

Even if it is a 27" diagonal tube tv in an overly large console?

Ugh - seriously? I haven’t been to woot or a woot-off in ages. I get an email alert this morning, get all excited, and the first item I see is THIS???
Has woot gone down hill THAT much? I get it (or I used to get it) - but has Amazon completely messed up this glorious thing that was Woot? Maybe it’s because I haven’t had the coffee yet, but now I’m dreading a day of monitoring this woot-off for any sign of past wonder.

Wait until you see all the refurbished and factory reconditioned items listed. The limited return policy of woot! makes it a great dumping ground for Amazon returns.

P.S. Nonbelievers do not get quality posts.