Bamboo 4-Piece Luxury Sheet Set


Bamboo 4-Piece Luxury Sheet Set

Please do not be fooled by these sheets…they are NOT bamboo fiber. I bought some and when they arrived, the tags on them say that they are 100% polyester.


rayon from bamboo has almost nothing in common to real bamboo fabric.


Rayon is made by completely dissolving pure cellulose into a solution and then chemically reconstituting it. The source of the cellulose (bamboo, cotton, wood scrap from a saw mill, paper that’s being recycled, or whatever) does not affect the properties of the rayon at all. These might have used bamboo to make the rayon, but the rayon might as well have been made from sawdust or old cardboard boxes as far as the properties of the fabric are concerned.

The claim that they’re hypoallergenic because they’re made from organic bamboo is particularly dishonest; rayon is rayon.

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Wow, I’d didn’t think I’d learn so much on woot. I already hit my learnin quota for the day! Better turn off the old brain before she overheats.


I bought a previous Bamboo Sheet set that had 4 pillowcases for anything equal to or above a full size. It was great. Shame this one only has 2 pillowcases per set

And you’re only 40% there.

The other 60% is made from dietary fiber treated with shrinking ray and hair brushes.

Yeah, just checked to see that magical 40% number. It seems that there is a line of these probably all from one big factory in China sold as “Bamboo” but well, 40% may be somewhat related to bamboo and the other 60% is gool ol’ polyester.
Another site that used to be this site but is not also sells them and gets similar negative reviews and everybody says give us 100% something 'cause this isn’t it.

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Ordered the king size sheets, they came with standard size pillowcases. :rage:

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