Barrel of Crops

Holy fast clicker Batman!


Just ONE? Sheesh :stuck_out_tongue:

WTF was that?!?!


caught me with my pants down.

what the…

i dont even…

Seriously effin with us this time!!! urghh

Now I think they are just screwing with us.

One? I guess it really is the loneliest number.

my god, these sold out quicker than they do during the ay!!!

server test?

Sweet Jesus that sold out fast!

One Woot. LOL!!! Awesome. This is going to be a funnnnnnnnnn woot off!

really?? come on!! mama has a birthday coming up and I really want that BOC to open on my special day!

WOAH! Did that set a BOC sellout record?

Well now, that was odd.


Argh. Engage pirate mode.