BASIC Time Travel

BASIC was the first and only computer language I learned to code! I really loved it, but my parents discouraged it because there was no future in writing computer code. Riiiight.

Odysseyroc, this is wonderful. I particularly love that the subtle reference to the Blue Screen of Death! Nice choice of color. :slight_smile:

I love this shirt so much I canā€™t buy it, I can only admire it from afar.

Takes me back to programming a casino game in BASIC back in the day. Just RND abuse, nothing fancy. But the best part was the splash screen with the system speaker beeping a crude version of The Gambler. I peaked at 12 years old.

Here it is in qbasic:

10 PRINT ā€œWelcome to my guessing game! I bet you canā€™t guess the number Iā€™m thinking of! Itā€™s between 1 and 10!ā€
x% = INT(RND * 10) + 1
30 INPUT ā€œWhat is your guess >ā€, guess%
IF guess% > x% THEN GOTO 40
IF guess% < x% THEN GOTO 50
IF guess% = x% THEN GOTO 60
40 PRINT ā€œNope! Thatā€™s too high!ā€
50 PRINT ā€œNope! Thatā€™s too low!ā€
60 PRINT ā€œUhhhhh. Thatā€™s not right. Uhhhh, hold on a secondā€¦ā€

I have like 3 or 4 of them. And a large box of assorted controllers. And probably around a couple hundred disks. And an X1541 adapter cable (to connect the 1541 drive to a PC parallel port).
And a bunch of other misc stuff.

Havenā€™t used the stuff in years, but itā€™s nice knowing itā€™s there.

Used to play around with the emulators a bit, but havenā€™t done that for years either.

WITHOUT GOOGLE, who remembers what BASIC stands for?

I only know it, because of Scooter Computer and Mr Chips.

I only know it because I learned it three weeks ago in my computer science class.
Yeah, when doing upper level java stuff/black magic, and prof just throws it on the board.
I was all like, ā€œfamous Mystery Dog sound.ā€

So whereā€™s my 10 Woot points? Also, what are Woot points? :slight_smile:

Iā€™m still trying to figure out whats wrong with playing it as is? The only thing Iā€™d change is all the GOTO commands after each possible result would go back to 20 instead of 30. Adds more challenge to never satisfying your computer. If it drives one person mad, Iā€™ve done my job.

10 PRINT ā€œWelcome to my guessing game! I bet you canā€™t guess the number Iā€™m thinking of! Itā€™s between 1 and 10!ā€
24 REM x% = (RND * 10) + 1
25 x% = int(rnd(0) * 10) + 1
30 INPUT ā€œWhat is your guess >ā€, guess%
31 REM IF guess@ > x% THEN GOTO 40
32 if guess% > x% then goto 40
33 REM IF guess@ < x% THEN GOTO 50
34 if guess% < x% then goto 50
35 REM IF guess@ = x% THEN GOTO 60
36 goto 60
40 PRINT ā€œNope! Thatā€™s too high!ā€
41 REM goto 30
45 goto 30
49 REM 50 PRINT ā€œNope!ā€ Thatā€™s too low!"
50 print ā€œNope! Thatā€™s too low!ā€
51 REM GOTO 30
55 goto 30
60 PRINT ā€œUhhhhh. Thatā€™s not right. Uhhhh, hold on a secondā€¦ā€
70 print ā€œokay, you got me. Letā€™s go again!ā€
79 REM GOTO 20
80 goto 25

Why havenā€™t I forgotten this stuff already? Itā€™s been like 35 years since I looked at a Basic programā€¦

Whoa, this just takes me back to the Atari and Commodore days like no other.

Well done Oddroc.

[QUOTE=psm321, post:14, topic:382855]

You donā€™t need the third IF statement. In the interests of speeding up the program that should just be a straight GOTO.

In what BASIC can you randomize the RND function by calling it? My understanding is that RANDOMIZE N does the randomizing, and the parameter to RND is optional or ignored.

Little did I know that when I was 8 years old, messing around on my Tomy Tutor, the most important skill I was learning was t-shirt design.

You forgot to insert the fastload cartridge!

Anyone remember the chose your own adventure type books where you had to make a program in basic to solve the mystery?

Too young to have ever written anything in basic, but i have learned a lot from my dad who was one of few who knew Cobalt in the north east, at the time when cobalt started being used in business.

now i just write OOP stuff.

This is a cool idea. However, shirtwoot has been on a bit of a nerd bender lately. We all need to think about The Raven and The Binge, shirts that speak to the lit majors and the kids a bit too.

Reminds me of my C64 days as well. Ran a C64 BBS called Quantum Leap for many years. In for one.

Iā€™m thinking
Beginners Allpurpose Symbolic Instruction Code

Buthow cool was it to write bubble sorters and the like?