Basketball Game-in-a-Bundle

**Item: **Basketball Game-in-a-Bundle
Price: $9.99
Shipping Options: $5 Standard OR $15 Two-Day OR $18 One-Day
Condition: New

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Good Reviews on the Marking system
Previous Sale for the Huffy Basketballs

“27.5 inches”

Those are some big balls!

Maybe you are being silly, but let’s be clear.

27.5" is the circumference, not the diameter. Diameter is approx. 8.75" (C=D*Pi).

Wow. With balls that big, good thing it comes with a net to hold them.

You’re silly!

Tell the truth, I thought may it was cm not inches.

Just ordered. Can’t wait to get my balls!

It’s a good deal, but there’s no need to get Huffy about it.

that’s right. i don’t know if my boyfriend would like it or not…