Bayit 720p Wi-Fi Pan & Tilt IP Camera

We got one of these in a past sale, and it’skind of junk–this camera had a problem staying configured, so it only works plugged in to a router. If you look at it on Amazon, you’ll see a lot of people have had similar problems with it…

are the instructions in English or in another language? Those with instructions in another language can easily be hacked into…

I’m really not sure what you’re asking. It will come with instructions written in English.

These are a pain to get set up. I have an older model and it’s useless.

Yeah, this thing is kind of junky.
Will not connect about 1/3 of the time. God help you try to get it added again if you update or change your phone. Adding the camera back is like pulling teeth. You have to take the thing to the router and plug it in manually, reset it, change the password blah blah blah.
The panning is very slow. You can set preset positions, which is helpful. The motion detetion is spotty. You’ll either never get notified or it will send you 30 notification an hour. The app is pretty outdated and I can’t remember the last time it was update, if at all, in the past 18 months since I bought it.