Bearclaw or Cruller

Whew… Finally… today was a rough go … lol

Always VOP…

VOP trying my luck again

And I was hoping for donuts.

Bearclaw, incidentally.

Had to fillout an authetication password, placed order and sent to VOP?


Woot put me in the VOP after charging my card and sending me an order confirmation lol it’s so buggy sometimes

I got one! Even though I did have to sign back in.
It’s been almost a year since I got one!


Same here and my Boss kept hitting a beach ball at me the whole time.

Sent to VOP, then checkout just like last time. Last 2 BoCs went in the trash, hoping for better this time.

What is going on today

Woo Hoo!

I snagged one! My fingers have never moved so fast. No for the wait and disappointment.


Finally! Got this one. :grin:

Woot Birthday

Woohoo! First ever BOC !! Took me 9 years, but I finally got one!

stuck in the vestibule of patience… again… is it limit one for the whole event? not that I’ve gotten one yet…