Beast Car Flag Roof Mountable Flagpole System

Why would you allow such narrow minded and offensive comments to be posted where such isn’t needed or true to the intent of comment section?
Please moderate so those of us that smile can get what we come here for.

Love their word choice: “valid reasons”. They believe that the reasons for your individual choices of expression are either valid or not. They are anti-fascist, donchaknow.

You make a good point. We know that our betters think that flying an American Flag on the back of a truck under normal circumstances is an invalid reason. What if it’s veterans day and your brother was killed in action? Would it ok then? Or, would swapping out old glory for a rainbow flag be an acceptable use case? I’ve got so many questions!


end nationalism

kind of funny how the same people that would display an unsafe flag on their vehicle are the same people who have never traveled…

Hard working? you’re funny!

work smart, not hard…didn’t your daddy teach you anything?

I don’t agree with you but that was quite an entertaining read.


I said keep it civil! If you can’t say it without insulting another wooter or a group of people, then you have nothing to say.

I will freely edit and delete posts. If responded to, I will delete those posts as well.

This can be used in parades, to show sports team spirit, and more.

They should throw in a spit cup for tobacco, too!

Your cheering for the wrong team. USA!

So instead of trying to twist each other’s words around and incite people, just say something nice.

Have a local high school near you? They probably do a homecoming parade and would love one of these for that purpose.

Cat pics, TT.


This is great for those who can’t remember what country they live in.

I wonder the correlation of people butthurt over the butthurt over this stupid item vs people who posted on Woot! about how much they hated the amazing “Love Wins” t-shirt.
Yay nationalism. :confused:

Surprised at the comments on this flagpole for vehicles.

We have a few trucks with large flags here, it doesn’t bother anybody…

ps… I’d like to thank all those who served to protect this greatest nation on Earth and out allies.
Thank You Veterans

I didn’t see any mention of a particular “brand” of politics or social attitude for that matter. What is the implication you are making?

And these:

@TT: call the mothership, perhaps you can talk them in to offering a trifecta deal.

YIKES is right. I know I should move on but I am sort of curious. How does displaying a flag point to a person that has not traveled. I mean I can understand if someone has a hole in his sock, he might never have eaten Chinese food, but your statement I don’t get. Unless it is something that YOU have decided is fact. Then I get you.

Awww… you deleted the most entertaining stuff, TT.

We’re all just a bunch of fun loving WOOTers engaging in what amounts to an old fashioned, over the top, John Wayne western movie fist fight where we all clock each other in the honker and then buy each other some beers afterwards and share a good laugh.


Glad I could brighten your day!