Bedazzled Oriole Cages 289151

My favorite part is where you stay in the VOP long, long, long after there is any chance of actually getting something, but can’t look away “just in case”. It just makes the disappointment that much more disappointing. Nice one Woot!


Scored crap on woot’s birthday and now bedazzled crap for my own birthday! :tada::partying_face:

I got it on my phone, but am still in the vestibule on the computer. I can’t not let it load.

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I am just going to sit in this vestibule until they prove that this has been yanked from my cart, then I’ll throw up my hands in total surprise… BOOTED! brilliant.


Blessed dissapointment befalls me.

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Am I doing it wrong? Should I not use the app? 100% in stock, still VoP and it never kicks me out of VoP. 4th time today.

Nope. Perfect technique.


Each spike is a BOC sale.

Red are the number of order requests coming in. We don’t have anywhere near that many for sale.
Blue is number going through.



So, my plan is nearly complete and true dissapointment will be mine!

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ugghh… failure yet again.

I always go to “vestibule” does everyone else also? How do i get in on one of those deals?

Means you were too late. Be faster next time apparently

Understanding BOCs



I missed this… oh well, probably would have missed it anyway

That’s the spirit!!

At least I was not a part of the spike!

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I might believe in miracles now that I got one. : D

I think the circle for “you” is disproportionately large compared to the likely actual ratios. The BOC circle looks a little big too. :slight_smile: :grinning:

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It’s explanatory but probably not mathematically correct.


I probably still don’t have the scale right. :nerd_face:

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Unless you can be trying to buy BOC and not trying to buy a BOC at the same time… I’d agree it is not mathematically correct.