Big On The Inside

I really like the lemon yellow color! It will hide the cat hair when my cat climbs in my laundry basket to take a snooze :slight_smile:

That is clearly Basement Cat, not Ceiling Cat. But it’s OK – it’s not like I’m the one who minds.

Just know, Woot, that at some point in the near future Basement Cat may show up and claim your immortal soul as his personal scratch post.

That is good. I also re-examined the title and all I could think of was, “that’s what she said.”

[edit: apparently, “that is what she said” is changed to “she is reported to have said that”… hah.]

Agreed. The “lemon yellow” is too close to “urine yellow”. :frowning:

I’m already pale. I think this yellow would make me go completely invincible. I absolutely LOVE IT though.

Can I get it in kitty sizes?

I love this design and Woot would have had my last $10 before payday, if only it weren’t on yellow.


That was one of my first thoughts. “Ceiling cat?” “Ceiling cat?” If you’re going to invoke a lolcat, at least get the right one.

Dear Woot,

Ceiling cat is white. Basement cat is black.

Captain is a Basement cat.

The kitty in my signature is a Ceiling cat.

Hate the yellow, in for one anyway.



Like everyone else here, I love the design but I hate the yellow color. The AA shirts are a bit too light/thin for me.

My wife and I have a pair of black cats who think they run the place, so I’m really getting a kick out of this shirt.

Great concept, looks perfect on yellow. This will be my third cat shirt.

Only after taking B vitamins.

I second/third/fourth/whatever the yellow comment. Would get this if it wasn’t that color.

Expecto Patronum!!!

Meow this shirt looks purrfect.

((Sorry, someone had to do it.))

Hey, hello all! Feels great to be a part of woot with this design, and a huge thanks to everyone who buys a shirt. I know the yellow is a bit tricky for some, but it felt like the best fit for the design, so I went for it anyway. Still a dealbreaker? It does layer well with black…

The cat seems to be out of the bag on this one.

Sadly, I could not get one for myself–and I really wanted one–because it is yellow. I do not wear yellow. Yellow=bad.

But I bought one for my son for Christmas, he’s a cat lover and a leo. Perfect!


Yea, I really wanted to buy this, but I can’t wear yellow…

What’s wrong with yellow? I thought only beige sucked the color from your skin. I guess it IS kind of beige-y.