Bird Help City

He reminds me of a Muppet.

Lately the non-derby shirts haven’t been that great, IMO. But the derby shirts aren’t nearly as bad.

I feel like I’ve seen this somewhere before.

(please let it be so I can get a random shirt)

It’s a good thing there is a port between his talons and not a street. Otherwise the bird could have some nasty traffic-toe-jam.

Looks sort of how I imagine the full map of Palimpsest to look like.

“I have kept a room for you.”

I disagree, I haven’t liked the last two derby week shirts. Thankfully this coming week I’ll probably buy all three.

I had to read the thread to figure it out, so you are ahead of me.

Not sure about this one.

I’m wearing that shirt right now!! This ones really nicely done. The artist is really good at doing line art.

I’m talking in comparison to the non-derby shirts

OH MY GOSH a little boat! That totally makes this shirt awesome. But I can’t buy it 'cause I’m broke.

Has anyone seen these two shirts together, in the same room, at the same time?

A-hah! I didn’t think so!

Well, I bought Unstill Life and Security!, so I have bought more non derby shirts over derby shirts these past two weeks.

Is the bird marking his territory? Or just mapping his markings?

I think i may have found the inspiration for this shirt:

Silly. This bird’s obviously a crow, not a raven.

huh, i didn’t see the gas mask at first, i just figured the colorful part were the ghettos

Hmmm. Is the gas mask marking the red light district or the ghetto? I see a factory, a basketball court, and some bungalows.

It doesn’t want to get bird flu.

weird…nice detail on the city…but weird.

Looks like it’s a hammer mouth…