Black & Decker CP120B 20 Watt Power Backup Battery Pack

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Black & Decker CP120B 20 Watt Power Backup Battery Pack
$2.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

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  • 1 Black & Decker 20 Watt Backup Battery Pack

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New Black & Decker CP120B 20 Watt Power Backup Battery Pack, for $2.99 + $5 shipping
Product: 1x Black & Decker 20 Watt Backup Battery Pack

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You guys are tooo fast!


these are awesome, i hav 3 on the charger right now


I was suckered into buying these before and haven’t used them yeet!



who thought we’d see these again?

yay more crap

Add the fish tank or no deal


Noooo what the hell???


HAHAHAHA! Love those things.

oh god, im still sick of seeing these from the april fools day wootoff

April 1?

I want the fish tank : (

Who could have imagined there were any of these left on the planet after April Fool’s Day???

I think W00T has a warehouse full of these.